Bryce Schintzius & Aaron McFadden

Bryce & Aaron


Because sophisticated clients require
a thoughtful, innovative approach.


Based in Boston’s financial district, our practice focuses on serving the needs of attorneys and law firms in New England and across the United States.  Our depth of experience in working for legal professionals means that we understand the unique challenges – and rewards – of building a career in law, and the planning techniques that make sense for every stage of a lawyer’s career.  

Perhaps you’re a mid-level associate deciding between partner-track career at a national firm or a move to an in-house position?  Maybe you’ve just been elected equity partner, and you have serious decisions to make and firm-imposed requirements to satisfy. Those decisions affect you, but they also affect your family.  We can help you assess options and decide which course of action makes sense for you. We can help you quantify and understand what that means in the long run, and how best to capitalize on every opportunity.  

If you’d like to get to know us better, use the form below to get in touch, and we will be glad to sit down for a conversation.  



Planning Focus Areas



Because income taxes can have an immense impact on net worth over time, sound tax planning is essential to the creation of a comprehensive financial plan.  We provide detailed tax analysis of your current situation based on current local, state, and federal income tax laws as we understand them. We will also provide a parallel tax analysis for any alternative strategies that we incorporate into your recommended plan so you can make well-informed strategic decisions.



Retirement Planning is a complex process because it occurs at the intersection of so many other topics – including investment management, tax planning, and cash flow planning.  It’s more than a simple calculation about how much you can afford to spend. It also requires a great deal of sensitivity around how you want to live, and how you see yourself.



Our investment planning work begins with a thorough examination of your current holdings in aggregate and as grouped by account type.  A detailed look at factors such as alpha and correlation coefficients, along with a plot of each account against an efficient frontier model, will allow us to understand the interplay between risk and return across your various holdings and accounts.  That bottom up technical analysis may reveal significant opportunities for improvement.

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As your personal balance sheet grows, so does the magnitude of a potential loss.  Simple tools like life insurance and disability income coverage can help you build a strong foundation.  As your situation becomes more complex, we can anticipate your evolving needs, provide sound advice, and deploy an array of sophisticated tools to protect you, your business, and your loved ones.   We have access to dozens of highly rated carriers, and can even help you obtain unusual and specialty coverages, such as kidnap and ransom insurance, through Lloyd’s of London.

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Each year our clients are presented with a menu of benefits options from their employers, with little or no strategic guidance to help them make informed choices.  Our job is to help clients understand their benefits options and non-cash compensation structures so that they can make the most of the available opportunities.

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While State and Federal estate taxes are important considerations for our clients, we recognize that “Estate Planning” demands attention to so much more than taxation.  It requires a careful understanding of your goals, values, and family dynamics.  Our job is to help you understand your options, and to recognize that the right answer for you and your family may not always be dictated by tax concerns. 

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The estimated cost of a four-year private college education for a child born today is over $450,000.  For a variety of reasons, many parents also choose to fund private K-12 educations for their children.  While conventional wisdom and industry hype insist on contributing to education-specific savings accounts, we know that using a variety of different funding tools in concert is likely to produce a better and more flexible outcome.


Our goal is to build lifelong relationships with the families and businesses we serve.

Through a streamlined approach to financial management, our practice integrates traditional values with cutting edge technology and resources.  We empower our clients to grow and protect all they they’ve worked hard for, so they can focus on the things in life that are most important to them.

The financial services industry is crowded.  There are thousands of financial planners, wealth advisors, and other assorted gurus competing for your attention every day.  They all seem to have the hottest new ideas and cleverest strategies, and they urgently want your business.

Our goal isn’t client acquisition – it’s client retention.  We understand that clients need to know they can depend on us to be there for them through all of life’s ups and downs.  Seeing clients stay with us across the years is our most important measure of success and is the most gratifying sign of a job well done.



Let's Chat.


Use the form below to get in touch – we’d love to get to know you. You may also email or call us to make an appointment.


(617) 439-4389


280 Congress Street, Suite 1300
Boston, MA 02210